Natural Gas Keeps The Lights On
Source: IGU
Natural gas is so abundantly available and accessible that it can meet global natural gas demand for at least the next 250 years. Natural gas is also far cleaner than many other fuels, with 50% fewer CO2 emissions than coal.
In an increasingly electrified world, the efficiency and reliability of natural gas powers economic growth for generations to come. It is available when and where it is needed – but only if sensible and unbiased regulations are put in place.
Cleaner burning natural gas is the cheapest and fastest way for most countries to meet their growing need for energy while reducing CO2 emissions and improving air quality. By 2050 the world’s population is expected to reach 9 billion people, nearly a third more than today. Amidst this growth in population, alongside rising living standards, energy demand is likely to double. Meanwhile, emissions need to be reduced significantly to mitigate the most serious effects of climate change.
Natural gas is the energy source we need to address these issues today and meet the growing global demand for energy. It can be used in power generation via combined cycle gas and cogeneration power plants, combined heat and power as well as in micro turbine installations to keep the lights on across the world.