Registration for WGC2015 is now open

Source: IGU

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The 26th World Gas Conference (WGCPARIS2015) is the largest and most prestigious conference in the global gas industry calendar.

In June 2015, Paris is expected to host some 15,000 participants representing more than 600 global energy companies from 100 countries.
Explore the newly launched day by day technical programme overview and key topics being discussed at the conference.
Benefit from the Early Bird Discount today- – saving you 480 Euros per delegate place:

  • Online delegate registration – HERE
  • Group delegate registration (10 delegates or more) – HERE
  • Touristic tours registration – HERE
  • Social tours registration – HERE

For full programme details click HERE

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Natural Gas Drives Energy Solutions

Source: IGU

This power-to-gas plant, built by Eon in northern Germany, converts excess wind power to hydrogen and then injects it into the network system. 

The natural gas industry continues to innovate, both to meet growing demand and to change the way we live, work and travel. The natural gas industry’s drive for innovation has made it as high-tech as Silicon Valley, fueling global mobility and quality of life.

Some of the most important technological innovations in the past decade have been in the service of the natural gas industry. Sophisticated methods for safely extracting gas from hard-to-reach places have helped change the dynamics of the global energy mix. Natural gas can also be credited with being the driver behind smart energy systems, including integrated energy systems; small scale storage; load response and balancing and renewable gas.

The global chemicals industry has benefited massively from the new abundance of natural gas. The abundant and relatively cheap feedstock has enabled further downstream innovations across a number of applications, be they in medical technology, refrigeration, plastics or transport. For example, the increased use and supply of natural gas also increases the commercial distribution of ethane and ethane-based raw materials and could thus trigger new innovations and investment in new technologies. Research and development initiatives leveraging ethylene-based chemistries that replace petroleum-based products may predominate.

The transportation sector has profoundly benefitted from efforts to reduce emissions and innovation that uses natural gas as a motor fuel. Major municipal users are transferring to NGV fleets and long-haul transport has long been an enthusiastic user.

Child Pages: 
Natural Gas Fuels High-Tech Innovation
Natural Gas Drives Innovation In Mobility
Natural Gas Fuels Innovation At Home
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Natural Gas Keeps The Lights On

Source: IGU

Natural gas is so abundantly available and accessible that it can meet global natural gas demand for at least the next 250 years. Natural gas is also far cleaner than many other fuels, with 50% fewer CO2 emissions than coal.

In an increasingly electrified world, the efficiency and reliability of natural gas powers economic growth for generations to come. It is available when and where it is needed – but only if sensible and unbiased regulations are put in place.

Cleaner burning natural gas is the cheapest and fastest way for most countries to meet their growing need for energy while reducing CO2 emissions and improving air quality. By 2050 the world’s population is expected to reach 9 billion people, nearly a third more than today. Amidst this growth in population, alongside rising living standards, energy demand is likely to double. Meanwhile, emissions need to be reduced significantly to mitigate the most serious effects of climate change. 

Natural gas is the energy source we need to address these issues today and meet the growing global demand for energy. It can be used in power generation via combined cycle gas and cogeneration power plants, combined heat and power as well as in micro turbine installations to keep the lights on across the world. 

Child Pages: 
Natural Gas is Abundant and Accessible
Natural Gas Is The Cleanest Fossil Fuel
Natural Gas Is Reliable
Natural Gas Is Efficient
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Natural Gas Improves Lives

Source: IGU

 Natural Gas is a major feedstock for the production of fertilizer.  Here, a rice farmer spreads fertilizer on his paddy to increase his yield.


The use of natural gas not only improves air quality by reducing smog, but also helps mitigate the impact of climate change by reducing emissions by up to 50%.  It also has tangible positive effects of people’s lives around the word.

From the well at which natural gas is produced to the energy-intensive industries it powers and the homes it heats and feeds with electricity, natural gas provides millions of people with employment while allowing for an unparalleled quality of life.

Simply put, natural gas is integral to the 21st century global economy. The global natural gas industry employs and ensures the livelihood of millions people worldwide. For example, in the U.S. roughly 622,000 Americans are directly involved in the exploration, production, transportation and distribution of natural gas. The industry as a whole indirectly sustains over 2.2 million additional jobs in sectors that produce and supply goods and services to the natural gas industry as well as the industry’s employees. Natural gas also is the feedstock for a number of industries that are the foundation of economic growth in many countries, such as fertilizers, plastics, steel and cement industries as well as seawater desalination. These industries’ contributions to an economy’s GDP, tax and investment funds are unrivalled.

A boy in a remote location working by electric light, powered by a Natural Gas generator.Natural gas, the light to my future.
WGC 2012 Photo Contest Submission


Natural gas improves quality of life on an individual level as well. Natural gas is used in space heating and cooling, for cooking, hot water supplies and many other domestic applications. Natural gas also is a valuable alternative fuel in transportation, providing not only an environmentally friendlier – vehicles powered by natural gas produce 20-30% fewer CO2 emissions than vehicles powered by gasoline –  but also an economically friendlier option for heavy duty trucks, public transportation, passenger vehicles, marine and rail transport. According to a 2013 analysis performed by the European Gas Forum, increased use of natural gas in transportation could bring about €60 billion to €70 billion in savings by 2030.

Child Pages: 
Natural Gas Powers Economic Growth
Natural Gas Makes Life Livable
Natural Gas Fuels Transportation
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